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How to use the durumis blog for YouTuber creators

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • YouTube creators can add a revenue pipeline by utilizing the durumis blog.
  • You can insert links into your YouTube videos and earn additional AdSense revenue through blog visitors.
  • Inserting YouTube videos into your blog can also increase viewer acquisition by exposing them in Google search.

You can't put links in YouTube Shorts or the comments of Shorts, Instagram posts, Reels, etc., but there are ways to use links in YouTube videos.

Here are some good ways for YouTube creators to use the durumis blog.

YouTube creators can use the durumis blog to build an additional revenue stream. Let me explain using the images below.

Image related to YouTube search algorithm

Users find the videos through YouTube search or algorithms.

① How YouTubers Use It

② YouTube Search & Algorithm

③ Users enter your video via a YouTube search or algorithm.

Generally, users use YouTube to search or click through the algorithm to see your YouTube videos.

Image of a user clicking on a YouTube video

Users watch the video and check the link in the YouTube description and click on it.

④ The user watches the video and checks the link in the YouTube description to click on it.

⑤ Watch Video

⑥ Insert Link in Video

The user will watch your video, check the link in the YouTube description and click on it. According to statistics, about 5-10% of viewers usually click on it. (This will vary depending on how you direct them.)

Image showing how to add subtitles in different languages on YouTube

Use generative AI to translate subtitles and insert different links.

⑤ Watch Video

⑦ Use generative AI to translate subtitles and insert different links.

⑧ Insert another link in the video.

You can simply create videos in your own language, but when you go to the video subtitles on YouTube, you can upload them in different languages. Therefore, we recommend using generative AI to insert subtitles in different languages and to insert different links in each language.

It's not mandatory, but supporting multiple languages can increase the number of viewers and views.

Image showing AdSense revenue on the durumis blog

Users who visit the durumis blog read the articles, and creators earn AdSense revenue.

AdSense Revenue Generation

⑨ Blog Exposure

⑩ Users who enter the durumis blog will read the article and the creator will earn AdSense revenue.

Users who click on the link in the YouTube video will read the blog post. It's a good idea to create content that is related to the video, and you can also include additional information or things that need to be delivered in text format.

For example, if it's about cooking, it could include ingredient information, or if it's about movies, it could include paid links where you can watch the movie.

Additional AdSense revenue is generated by users entering the blog.

30,000 page viewsshould beexceededto enter the pub ID.

Image showing the durumis blog detecting user device language

Detects the language of the device and recommends languages. Expand globally.

⑨ Blog Exposure

⑪ The device's language is detected and the language is recommended. Expand globally.

The device language of the user who clicked on the link is detected and the user is automatically recommended to choose the appropriate language. Therefore, you can put different links for each language, but you can also put the same link. (It will be recommended automatically)

Image showing the durumis blog being exposed in Google search

Blog articles are exposed in Google search, and videos can be played within the blog.

⑫ Blog posts are exposed to Google search, and YouTube videos can be played within blog posts.

⑬ Google Search Exposure

Embedding YouTube Videos in the durumis Blog

In addition to user traffic from YouTube, you can also embed YouTube videos in your blog so that users who come in through Google search can be directed to watch YouTube videos.

durumis official blog
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