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durumis official blog

We value your privacy

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • durumis receives only email addresses to register and log in, and uses email verification instead of passwords.
  • By introducing a passwordless method, it reduces the risk of password hacking and plans to upgrade to a more secure passkey method in the future.
  • In order to reduce the risk of password leakage for users who use the same password in various services, we do not receive passwords and allow login through authentication emails.
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durumis service values your privacy.

Therefore, when you sign up and log in, we only collect your email address. We do not collect your password separately, and we send you an authentication email with an authentication code or a link to log in through, allowing you to log in by entering the code or clicking the link.

Personal Information Collection: Email

Because we send you an authentication code via email, you must store the cookie value to maintain login after that.

Passwordless Authentication

durumis uses a passwordless authentication method.

"Passwordless" means a method of logging in by sending an authentication code via email without entering a password. It is a safe way to prevent hacking of your password and fundamentally eliminates problems caused by password leaks.

Currently, we are using a passwordless method, but we plan to upgrade to a more secure "passkey" method in the future.

( Passkeys are the most secure method used by Google, Apple, and others. )

Why we do not collect passwords

According to research by various companies, 52-65% of users use the same password for more than 3 services. If a password is leaked from one of these 3 or more services, it is very dangerous because you can log in to other services with the same password. However, managing a different password for each service is inconvenient because users may forget their passwords.

For these reasons, durumis does not collect passwords individually from users and instead allows you to log in by sending you an authentication email.

durumis official blog
This is the official blog of durumis. Articles about durumis, including introductions, frequently asked questions, and philosophy, will be posted.
How to sign up To write posts on the durumis blog platform, you need to sign up. You can easily sign up with your email, and you must agree to the [provision of essential cookies] to log in. For more information on how to sign up and log in, please refer to the blog pos

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